Psionics United Federation of Planets Emblem


Vulcan Mind Meld

Vulcan Psionics

Vulcans are natural touch-telepaths. Though considerable training is required to utilize this ability to the fullest (this would be performing the fal-tor-pan), simpler contacts do not require any concentration, training or even conscious knowledge of the act.--Vulcan - Memory Alpha

Vulcan Psionic Limitations

The Vulcan Mind Meld is a prerequisite for all Vulcan telepathic abilities [GURPS: Psionic Powers p. 57-67]. All Vulcan telepathic abilities have the following limitations.

  • Vulcan Mind Meld, -20%: a special limitation that means the ability in question only works on those with whom you are presently in contact via Mind Meld. Basically, the Vulcan version of the Telecommunication limitation [B70].
  • Telepathy, -10%: the standard limitation that means the ability is part of the Telepathy psi power [B70]
  • Weakened Outside of Species, -10%: a mitigated version of the Racial, -20% limitation [B70]. Vulcans can make Telepathic contact outside of their species, but at penalties--the greater the differences between the species, the greater the penalty.

Vulcan Psionic Abilities

The following telepathic abilities [G:PP p. 57-67] are appropriate for Vulcans with psionic ability.

  • Mind Meld (15/35/44/52/71/103 points for levels 1-6): it establishes two-way mental/emotional contact; a prerequisite for all other Vulcan Telepathic abilities
  • Mind Probe (12 pts): force information from someone’s mind
  • Suggestion: compel someone to perform a specific action
  • Mental Surgery: reprogram someone’s mind
  • Possession: transfer your katra into somebody
  • Fal-tor-pan: reunite a Vulcan's katra with his or her body--Fal-tor-pan
Other telepathic abilities require a Secret Knowledge Perk [G:PU2 p20] to learn.

The Alien Species and Universal techniques, which allow you to communicate with a member of a different species and different languages (respectively), are especial appropriate.

In rare cases, Vulcans have shown telekinetic abilities. A Vulcan telekinetic would require a 5 point Unusual Background and each telekinetic ability learned would require a Secret Knowledge Perk [G:PU2 p20].

Vulcan Mind Meld (15/35/44/52/71/103 points for levels 1-6)


Mind Meld

Normally employed only by Vulcans, the Vulcan Mind Meld is a deeply personal thing, part of the private life, and generally not used on aliens --Vulcan mind meld

The Vulcan mind meld is a telepathic link between two individuals, allowing for the exchange of thoughts, in essence allowing the participants to become one mind. (VOY: "Meld") It is a psionic ability producing "synaptic pattern displacement". Those in a meld share consciousness in a kind of gestalt. (DS9: "The Passenger"--Vulcan mind meld.) It is a prerequisite for all Vulcan telepathic abilities.

In GURPS terms, this ability combines aspects of Emotion Sense [G:PP 58] and Telespeak [G:PP 59]. The subject of your Mind Meld will necessarily receive your surface thoughts and emotions (unless you block them with Mind Shield [G:PP 66]). The Mind Meld is the most fundamental Vulcan telepathic ability. It does not allow you to force information out of other’s minds, implant suggestions into other’s consciousness, or perform mental surgery. To do these things, you need additional abilities (Mind Probe, Suggestion, and Mental Surgery respectively). It takes a minute of Meditation to prepare properly for a Mind Meld. This time can be reduced to 20-Medication Skill seconds (minimum 1 second) on a successful Meditation role, but your skill will be at -2 until you reach 60 full seconds of Meditation. This (and all Telepathic abilities) suffer penalties when used on alien species.

You must make skin-to-skin contact--your hands on their face--with the subject at level 1. At level 2, any touch will do. Level 3 can be used at range, with a -1 penalty per yard of distance to the subject. This changes to normal range penalties [p. B550] at level 4, long distance modifiers [p. B241] at level 5, and no range penalties at all at level 6.

A Mind Meld is a prerequisite for all Vulcan telepathic abilities. The Alien Species and Universal techniques, which allow you to communicate with members of a different species and/or languages (respectively), are especial appropriate.

3Empathy15 points: Contact Agent, -30%; Link, +10%; Melee Attack, C, -30%; Requires IQ vs Will Roll, -10%; Telepathy, -10%; Weakened Outside of Species, -10%; Weakened Without Preparation, 1 minute, -10%
6Mind Reading30 points: Contact Agent, -30%; Link, +10%; Melee Attack, C, -30%; Telepathy, -10%; Weakened Outside of Species, -10%; Weakened Without Preparation, 1 minute, -10%
6Telesend30 points: Contact Agent, -30%; Link, +10%; Melee Attack, C, -30%; Nuisance Effect, must send surface thoughts and emotions, -5%; Telepathy, -10%; Weakened Outside of Species, -10%; Weakened Without Preparation, 1 minute, -10%

Further Levels
26 + 15 + 14 = 35 pointsremove Contact Agent (from all three)
36 + 21 + 17 = 44replace Melee Attack with Short Range 3 (for Empathy), Short Range 1 (for Mind Reading), and Short Range 2 (for Telesend)
48 + 24 + 20 = 52then reduce Short Range to 2 (for Empathy), remove Short Range (from Mind Reading), and reduce Short Range to 1 (for Telesend)
59 + 39 + 23 = 71then reduce Short Range to 1 (for Empathy), add Long Range 1 (to Mind Reading), and remove Short Range (from Telesend)
611 + 54 + 38 = 103then remove Short Range (from Empathy), increase Long Range to 2 (for Mind Reading), and add Long Range 1 (to Telesend)


Alien Species     Average

varies depending on species--first the the medical/physiological (i.e. Zorski), then the behavior/cultural off-species penalties must be overcome; cannot exceed Vulcan Mind Meld

Broadcast     Hard     [G:PP 60]

Mind Meld-7; cannot exceed Mind Meld

Full Communion     Hard     [G:PP 60]

Mind Meld-2; cannot exceed Mind Meld

Multiplicity     Hard     [G:PP 59]

Mind Meld-5; cannot exceed Mind Meld

New Approach     Hard     [G:PP 59]

Mind Meld-5; cannot exceed Mind Meld

Secure     Hard     [G:PP 60]

Mind Meld-2; cannot exceed Mind Meld

Send Senses     Hard     [G:PP 60]

Mind Meld-4; cannot exceed Mind Meld

Universal     Hard     [G:PP 60]

Mind Meld-5; cannot exceed Mind Meld