House Rules United Federation of Planets Emblem
GURPS Prime Directive

Investigative House Rules

Once your skill level reaches 14, addition levels of skill don’t improve your odds of success much.... If you are an adventurer, though, the investment [in higher skill levels] is worthwhile, to help you overcome the penalties for difficult tasks. --GURPS BASIC SET, p. 172

In most cases, a house rule adds detail to an all ready existing GURPS rule; Detect Likes and Interrogation have been significantly altered.

Investigative Abilities and Skills

  • Breaking and Entering: While these skills--Electronic Operation/TL (Security), Explosives/TL (Demolitions), Forced Entry, Lockpicking/TL, Traps/TL--are usually associated with the criminal element, Security officers also make use of them. Any confusion based on the fact that there is significant overlap in the use of these skills is cleared up. E.g. both Electronic Operations/TL (Security) and Lockpicking/TL can be used to open electronic locks/safes and both Electronic Operations/TL (Security) and Traps/TL can be used to disarm electronic traps.
  • Criminology/TL vs Forensics/TL: Of interest to Security officers, confusion on which of Criminology vs Forensics skill is more appropriate is addressed.
  • Detect Lies Skill: Of interest especially to Security officers and Counselors, Detect Lies only works by correctly observing and interpreting unintended visual and auditory clues given off by the suspected liar; it works in both formal and casual situations.
  • Information Rolls: This house rule allows the PCs to make their own rolls for information.
  • Interrogation Skill: Of interest especially to Security officers and Counselors, Interrogation is used to get somebody to talk about something they’d rather not; it works in both formal and casual situation, but confers no lie detecting ability.
  • Stealth Skill: Know exactly how close you can approach without being detected.