Character Creation United Federation of Planets Emblem
Starfleet Academy Logo 2368

Starfleet Academy

Ex Astris, Scientia

Core Curriculum

The Academy program typically lasted four years... (TNG: "The First Duty", "Conundrum"; TOS: "Bread and Circuses")

The 8 points in this template must be spent as stipulated. E.g. you must put one point into Computer Operation skill even if you already have one point in Computer Operation from a previous lens, e.g. TL11 Everyman Lens. I.e. Your training at the Academy results in you putting an additional point into your Computer Operation skill. In this example, make sure you add a point to your existing Computer Operation skill; do not add a second Computer Operation skill to your character sheet–something you might accidentally do if you're just blithely adding templates and lenses via the GURPS Character Sheet program. (Of course, nothing prevents you from revisting your Everyman Lens and choosing different skills.)

All tech skills are tech level 11, except for First Aid which is tech level 9. Note the Survival skill requires you to choose a specialty.

Starfleet Academy Core Curriculum (8 pts)
15Military Rank (O1: Ensign)
3Resistant (Disease +3)
5Social Regard +1 (Respected)
-10Code of Honor (Starfleet)(see, for example, Starfleet General Orders and Regulations)
-15Duty (Star Fleet) (15 or less)
-15Sense of Duty (Federation)
Due to strict entrance requirements and rigorous Academy training, you are allowed only -50 additional character points worth of disadvantages–all of which much be cleared with Captain Joy. You may of course take fewer or none. Disadvantage points within this template do not count towards this -50 points limit. Disadvantages in all other templates and lenses do count towards this limit.
1Beam Weapons/TL11 (Pistol) E DXtype I and II hand phasers
1Computer Operation/TL11 E IQ
1Electronics Operation/TL11 (Communications) A IQhandheld communicators and subspace communications
1Electronics Operation/TL11 (Scientific) A IQtricorders
1Electronics Operation/TL11 (Matter Transmitter) A IQtransporters, food synthesizers
1First Aid/TL9 E IQ
1Free Fall A DX
1History (Recent Federation) H IQ
1Judo H DX
1Law (Interstellar) H IQ
1Leadership A IQ
1Navigation/TL11 (Space) A IQnavigation at sublight and warp; there is no "hypersapce" in Star Trek
1Piloting/TL11 (Aerospace) A DXallows you to fly a shuttle surface-to-orbit (and in open space at -4)
1Savoir-Faire (Military) E IQ
1Spacer/TL11 E IQ
1Vacc Suit/TL11 A DX
choose four from among:
1Astronomy/TL11 H IQ
1Engineer/TL11 (Electronics) H IQ
1Expert Skill (Military Science) H IQ
1Expert Skill (Xenology) H IQ
1Mathematics/TL11 (Applied) H IQa prerequisite for Astronomy, Engineer, and Physics skills
1Research/TL11 A IQ
1Shiphandling/TL11 (Starship) H IQrequired to serve bridge duty; Navigation (Space, not Hyperspace) is a prerequisite
1Survival (must specialize) A Per
Point Summary
0Attributes/Secondary Characteristics
28Ads/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarity
Reaction Modifiers
+1from Social Regard (Respected)
+2from Sense of Duty (Federation)

The above Starfleet Academy Template represents only about the first two of your four years at the Academy. You should next choose your Academy Degree and your first Department Certification. (You should already have your Species Template and the TL11 Everyman Lens.)

Species Templates
Background Lenses
(10 pts)
Officer Templates
(36 pts)
Degrees Lenses
(12 pts)
Extracurricular Activities
(8 pts)
Department Certifications
(~8 pts)