Teaser: Mission Briefing

Setting: large public briefing room on USS Yorktown. Academics Chief, Lt. Sandira Vashenka (human) [LUG270] gives the breifing. The USS Yorktown is doing system surveys of this sector. One shuttle per system. Each team will survey their system for a week, then the Yorktown will return for them. This work will be spread out amongst most of the crew.

Skills: Current Affairs, Initial--Perception, Research, House Keeping, Soldier

Success: Long Range Scan Handout. Team will have intelligence on their destination which may be useful later.

Failure: Team will be less prepared when things go sideways.

Act 1: Approaching the Asteroid (Ship)

Setting: Survey team in shuttlecraft in Terilek system. One of the asteroids (30 x 20 x 18 yd3) is actually a Jindarian asteroid ship that has been co-opted by Orion pirates from a naive Jindarian looking for adventure. The Jindarian, now seeking his freedom, has a plan in place--neutrino communications--to surreptitiously attract attention should any potential liberators enter the system. The Orions are in the Terilek system to keep an eye on an M-class planet--Telirek Prime, which they use as a safe house to store various contraband: Kirian Redbloom (illegal), Estallian Fireweed (illegal on Rigel), Stinker Bug Pearls (poached). This is why the Orion Pirates can't simply leave the system when the Feds arrive.

Skills: E. Op. (Sensors), E. Op. (Electronic Warfare), Science!, Cryptography, Piloting (High-Performance Spacecraft)

Success: Team's shuttle is still intact, though now the property of Orion Pirates.

Failure: Team's shuttle is damaged, but they can still escape in the Pebble or get a message out.

Act 2: Jindarian Welcome

Setting: Probably at station keeping near a asteroid . The Jindarian, Shindar, will initiate contact and plead for his freedom. The arrival of Starfleet is the best chance of escape he'll have in the foreseeable future. He will insist he needs his ship and inheritance (bio-mimetic gel) in order to be accepted back into his caravan.

Skills: Perception, Piloting (High Performance Spacecraft), E Op (Sensors), Vacc Suit, Free Fall

Success: The team has a way to enter the asteroid ship without the Orion's knowledge. They may even realize the Jindarian is not being entirely truthful.

Failure: The team will have to defeat the Orion pirates without Shindar's help.

Act 3: Orions Welcome

Setting: Near and/or in the (Jindarian) asteroid ship. Orions will attempt to schmooze the team; the Slave Girl will work her wiles on the apparent male leader of the away team. The Orions will grudging allow Jindarian to leave, but not with the bio-mimetic gel (which he won't leave without. The Orion pirates will die to kep is secret). Their primary concern if finding out what the PCs know, if they need to scrub the safe-house, and how much time they have if they need to.

Skills:Vacc Suit, Free Fall, Social!, Taste/Smell, Touch, Will

Success: Team is not fooled by the Orion "prospectors".

Failure: Team leaves (Jindarian) asteroid ship, learning nothing of the Orion Pirate's crimes. The Pirates will immediately disengage at high warp and stealthily return to scrub the save-house.

Act 4: Upper Level of the Jindarian Asteroid Ship

Setting: Inside the upper level of the (Jindarian) asteroid ship. This is the level where the Orion pirates spend most of their time. It contains the bridge and staterooms.

Skills: E. Op. (Science, Security, Communications, Electronic Warfare), Traps, Science!, Search

Success: The team defeats the pirates which generally stay on this level due to the stench of the lower level. Team discovers some incriminating contraband: Stinker Pearls (poached), old Fed Flight Plan subspace messages. Team may even discover the Big Bad (bio-mimetic gel).

Failure: Their pirate activities are not uncovered.

Act 5: Lower Level of the Jindarian Asteroid Ship

Setting: Inside the lower level of the (Jindarian) asteroid ship. This is the level where the (rotten fish smelling) Jindarian, Shindar, spends most of his time. The cargo and "guts" of the ship are on this level.

Skills: E. Op. (Science, Security, Communications, Electronic Warfare), Traps, Science!, Search

Success: The team has managed to secure some control via Drive, ECM, and Life Support stations--probably with Shindar's help. The team discovers at least evidence of all sorts of contraband: Kirian Redbloom (illegal), Estallian Fireweed (illegal on Rigel), Stinker Bug Pearls (poached), type 3 phaser rifles.

Failure: Their pirate activities are not uncovered.

Act 6: Combat

Setting: Inside (Jindarian) asteroid ship, probably fighting for their lives. The Orion pirates will fight to the death to protect the safe-house and/or the bio-mimetic gel. They will set the ship to self destruct to keep their secrets.

Skills: Combat!

Success: They neutralize member(s) of the Orion Crime Team)

Failure: They are captured (and/or killed) by Orion Crime Team

Act 7: Terilek Prime

Setting: On the surface of an uninhabited M-class planet, which is used as a safe-house for Orion pirates.

Skills: B&E!, Combat!

Success: The Team puts and end the Orion pirate safe-house.

Failure: The Orions scrub the safe-house before the PCs can stop them. Or, the PCs die trying to stop them.