Act 1: Downtime Mission Prep

The team may decide to jump back to the previous window in order to set thing up for everyone on 1 May 1960. As it's hard to predict exactly what the PCs will want to do, you–the GM–will need to wing this. The best way to do this is read up on the relevant events/agencies/background associated with this mission.

Stopwatch agents are assisting Anatoli Yakovlev and Alexander Feklisov, a Russian NKVD senior case officer and case officer (respectively) using Harry Gold and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg to liaise with German scientist Klaus Fuchs who was working on the Manhattan Project . Americans Morton Sobell with General Electrice and David Greenglass and Theodore Hall with the Manhattan Project are also involved. Stopwatch believes early Soviet development of atomic weapons will tip the scales for a WWIII and their timeline.

At the time, the CIA believe the Soviet Union not capable of shooting down the high-altitude U-2's. (It was possible because Rosenberg had provided the Soviet's with the tech.) The plane was supposed to self destruct and the pilot commit suicide; neither happened. On May 16, Khrushchev stormed out of the initial summit meeting with the United States, Great Britain, and France, "furious" about the U-2 incident.

According to Timepiece, the U2 Spy Plane shot down over Russia in 1960 should have self destructed, and Gary Powers, its pilot, should have committed suicide. What history now records is that the Soviets recovered a virtually intact U2 Spy Plane and Gary Powers, who failed to commit suicide, was captured and interrogated by the KGB. This alteration in the timeline is almost certainly due to Stopwatch intervention. You team is being sent to the Peshawar Air Station, PAF Camp Badaber, near Peshawar, Pakistan to makes sure than on 1 May 1960, when Gary Power's U2 spy plane is shot down, the it does self destruct (as it was designed to do) and that Gary Powers does at least have his a modified silver dollar which contained a lethal, shellfish-derived saxitoxin-tipped needle on his person.

Scene 1: Jumping to 1959 August/September

2113 July - TCA Canada --> 1959 August/September - various possibilities: : CIA in Langley, Virginia; Pashawar, Pakistan; near Kusulino, Ural Region
The team assembles with gear on the ABET transmitter. They get a sinking feeling, then arrive at their destination.


To not forget obvious equipment.
Or vomit from timesickness.
Number of hours their temporary blackout lasts [IW218]

Success: The team is well prepared for their insertion into 1960 April/May.

Failure: The team will have trouble in 1960 April/May.

Scene 2: Setting Up 1960 April/May Peshawar Mission

1959 August/September - various possibilities: CIA in Langley, Virginia; Pashawar, Pakistan; near Kusulino, Ural Region
While Arava arranges for a new safe house using his cover as an (Pakistann) Intelligence Bureau agent. Meanwhile, the team can prep for their mission.


To gain info about Peshawar, etc.
To make papers that will let them cross the boarder into Pakistan.
Example activities: setting up alternate identities, gathering intel, early reconnoissance, etc.

Success: The team is well prepared to infiltrate the Peshawar Air Station.

Failure: The team is ill prepared; Stopwatch might respond to Timepiece's temporal incursion.

Scene 3: Stopwatch Discovers the Team

1959 August/September - various possibilities: CIA in Langley, Virginia; Pashawar, Pakistan; near Kusulino, Ural Region; near Kusulino, Ural Region
This scene can be dropped in to soak up some time. Stopwatch agents in the area heard the teams entry. They eventually learn the PCs are TimePiece agents and attack. Stopwatch will not use deadly for to begin with--they'd rather keep the team alive for interrogation. Eventually, they will execute team members one by one, to entice the others to talk.


Perception vs Stealth
To avoid being surprised by StopWatch's ambush
To overcome StopWatches attack
To resist Interrogation

Success: The team defeats Stopwatch agents--but those agents won't have any info about any other agents missions.

Failure: TPK