Teaser: Madelena Rosso Slain

Setting: evening, Sunday 15 October 1513
Madelena Rosso, daughter of Fiorentino has recently been torn apart.

Skills: Perception, Observation, Savior Faire, C.A., Forensics, Tracking, H.L. (Lycanthropes)

Success: The father, Fiorentino Rosso will request an audience.

Failure: There will be another attack tomorrow night.

Act 1: Meeting Fiorentino Rosso

Setting: Fiorentino is impressed with the MHs and is considering enlisting their services.

Skills: Influence!

Success: Fiorentino offers funds and equipment, not the least of which will be silver.

Failure: The MHs will receive a reward after a success.

Act 2: Rumors

Setting: The townspeople are abuzz with accusations and speculations

Skills: Social! Intelligence Analysis

Success: The MHs are aware that a French delegation is in town.

Failure: The HMs have no leads.

Act 3: Pierre Paré Observed

Setting: Pierre Paré is a French diplomat here with an entourage. He is innocent.

Skills: Influence!

Success: Pierre is innocent; that's one less suspect.

Failure: Pierre is insulted and informs the Signori, who may make further contact with the French delegation difficult.

Act 4: Interrogating the French

Setting: Somehow, the MHs have access to the members of the French delegation.

Skills: Influence!, Interrogation, Detect Lies

Success: Ambroise Amyot's alibi is a lie.

Failure: HMs must wait for another murder to in order to gather more clues.

Act 5: Dealing with the Signoria

Setting: The Signoria is not about to let negotiations with the French fall apart because of the death of one nobleman's daughter.

Skills: Influence

Success: The MHs are given a warning.

Failure: The MHs are jailed, but will be released the next day thanks to Fiorentino. Unfortunately, there was another murder that night.

Act 6: Florence Licantropo Red Herring

Setting: He/She is a licantropo (ST17/15 male/female), but their spouse or parents had them locked up.

Skills: Interrogation, Detect Lies, Traps

Success: Though a werewolf is found, it's know they weren't the killer.

Failure: A werewolf is not identified or it is wronging assumed to be the killer.

Act 7: Two More Victims

Setting: Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 October 1513
Alfonos Carafa slain, has a wad of red hair in his hand.
Fransesco Mocenigo slain, has spent rifle.

Skills: Observation, Forensics, Tracking, H.L. (Lycanthropes), Intel. Analysis

Success: Werewolf probably has red hair. Werewolf probably wounded.

Failure: Try Rumors again. No more attacks–full moon over and French delegation will leave before next full moon.