Teaser: Mayhem with Raymond

Dr. Debrah Wagner, MD, walks into the Copper Canyon Cafe and takes a seat in the corner, isolating herself as much as possible. She orders a coffee. After hearing the EAS Alert, she will freak out and go on a killing spree. It will take a brain injury, e.g. a triple tap, to put her down for good. Otherwise, we will die, fart, then rise as a zombie.

The purpose of this event is to totally freak out the PCs. Hopefully, when it's over, they'll be covered in blood and bits of bone.

Scene 0: Background for GM

Setting:Gila Health Resources in Morenci, Arizona.

28 weeks ago: Chet Power is secretly brought to Gila Health Resources when it was discovered that he had been infected with the Grey engineered Ebola [BT113] Psiaire retrovirus.

2 weeks ago: Chet Power dies on the operating table; Dr. Debrah Wagner was attempting to remove his Slave Mentality brain implant [UT217]. Upon death, oz particles associated with Ebola Psiaire animated Chet Power, turning him into a zombie. Chet attacks and kills a nurse. Debrah's husband, Wayne, eventually administers enough damage to incapacitate Chet, but the melee leaves he and Debrah infected.

2 days ago: Drs. Debrah injects her husband Wayne with reverse-engineered, Alphan, Panimumity nanosymbionts [BT164]. This proves fatal to Wayne. (This episode was caught on surveillance, so the PCs might eventually see this–moments before the Greys trigger a communications blackout.)

Presently: Dr. Debrah Wagner's Psi power has manifested–Telepathy–which she used to escape quarantine from Gila Health Resouses. In her fever-addled, paranoid state, she figures the Copper Canyon Cafe to be a safe public place. Unfortunately, once there, she decides nobody can be trusted. When she hears the EAS Alert, she freaks out and starts killing with a scalpel.

Scene 1: Quiet Before the Storm

Setting: A typical morning/afternoon/evening chatting with Raymond at the Copper Canyon Cafe. This scene ends and the next begings with the EAS Alert.


Observation or IQ-5
There is a woman sitting off by herself that you don't know. She's keeping her eye on the exits.
+5 – She looks pale. She has a nose bleed.
crit – She has a scalpel.
Area Knowledge (Morenci)
You saw this woman at Gila Health Resources about a month ago.
+5 – She was a doctor.
Body Language
She appears nervous.
+5 – The EAS Alert has clearly agitated her. Your advanced warning gives you a +5 to the upcoming Fright Check.

Success: The PCs might get their first clue regarding the source of the impending outbreak.

Failure: The PCs will be caught by surprise when Dr. Wagner's gun starts blazing.

Scene 2: Wagner Snaps

Setting: A mass murder at the Copper Canyon Cafe. Dr. Debrah Wagner goes on a scalpel slashing spree.


Fright Check [B360, H139]
Dr. Wagnor slashes the throut of her waitress! Blood is soaking her white blouse. Give an impulse chip for good roll-playing.
Dr. Wagner is VT9, IQ12, DX12 normally, but is at VT3, IQ6, DX6 due to ebola. She makes All-Out Attacks (Determined) with a scalpel. Skill: 9, Dmg: 1(cut) (sw-3), Reach: C,1.
Being exposed to her ebola is the real danger.

Success: The PCs are alive and uninfected.

Failure: The PCs are dead or infected.

Scene 3: The Aftermath

Setting: In the Copper Canyon Cafe as the smoke clears. Find out if any PCs got infected.


10m and 1d HP restored. [B424]
HT-5 (basic contagion)
& avoided contact, +4 – HT to resist infection
& contact, -1 – HT-5 to resist infection
Observation or Per-5 within 12h after the mass murder
-10 – Deputy Blackman, will be taking statements then insisting that people go home.
-5 – The Gila Health Resources EMTs that came to get the shooter are wearing masks.
-3 – Two Illuminati MIBs show up with the EMTs, speak with Deputy Blackman, then observe from out-of-the-way locations.
0 – The EMTs that get Dr. Wagner are ignoring any wounded and any other EMTs. They check a mobile device before loading Dr. Wagner up.
+3 – The EMTs mobile device shows them a picture of Dr. Wagner.
+5 – One of the EMTs has a Semper Fi tattoo.
crit – These MIBs are carrying concealed side arms.
Social! or Investigation! vs Blackman's Observation
-1 – Deputy Blackman, will shoo them away.
0 – The shooter worked at Gila Health Resources (e.g. on of the clues above, or "staff" lanyard, or parking sticker on her car).
+5 – An MIB will eventually insist that the PCs leave.
crit – They overhear "CDC" from an MIB or they find Dr. Debrah Wagner's security ID.

Success: The PCs are town heroes, but will have gained the attention of the illuminati. Go to Act 1: Blood Donations.

Failure: The PCs are village idiots, and may make things worse, e.g. infect themselves (go to Act 4: Infections).