Robin's Laws of Good Game Mastering describes seven types of people who play roleplaying games. Which kind are you? Answer each of the questions below based on your personal (not your character's) preferences. I.e. the results of the quiz are intended to reveal you—the player's—proclivities. Robins Laws Of Good Game Mastering

IssueDefinitelyOftenSometimes or No Preference or Not ApplicableRarelyDefinitely Not
1.I plan and know how to most effectively improve my character’s capabilities.
2.It's my job to vanquish foes; it's the GM's job to provide them.
3.Doing what is tactically sound trumps role-playing opportunities.
4.I will sacrifice relevance to play my favorite character type.
5.My characters engage—or don't engage—in combat out of inner, personal, motivation.
6.Memorable actions are preferred even when they disrupt previous planning.
7.I play whatever kind of character everybody else thinks we need.
8.I see my character sheet as a collection of stats, not as a list of personality traits.
9.All my characters are fighters, but I'm flexible on how they lay the whammy down.
10.I would game with total strangers if the campaign was interesting and well paced.
11.Overcoming in-game challenges is more important than leveling up.
12.All my characters approach combat situations in the same way.
13.I approach in-game challenges exactly as my character would.
14.I don't care about the campaign setting; it's getting together with friends that's fun.
15.Being the best in my niche/class is more important than what niche/class I'm in.
16.My favorite part of role-playing are the no-nonsense combat/battles scenes.
17.The GMs job is to provide obstacles, it's my job to overcome them.
18.I prefer playing a character class/niche I've played before and am comfortable with.
19.I prefer in-game social interaction to jumping through hoops for trophies.
20.Combat scenes are no more or less important than any other scene.
21.While others hammer out detailed plans, I play host: freshen drinks, check kids…
22.I fight as a means of acquiring treasure, skills, experience points, etc.
23.It bothers me when other players don't take planning seriously.
24.I have a favorite character type that I try to make work regardless of the setting.
25.I forget/don't bother properly role-playing my character if it annoys another player.
26.Combat prep beyond gearing up and getting in the first swing is unnecessary.
27.I choose/design my characters to provide me a compelling role-playing challenge.
28.I would sacrifice my character if it made for a good story.
29.I'm more concerned with how well my character fights than his/her personality.
30.I have trouble enjoying a game when I can't play my usual character type.
31.Our characters are the story, the campaign setting is their stage.
32.I prefer the GM handle any character related bookkeeping.
33.The importance of intelligence gathering prior to combat cannot be overstated.
34.I make sure my characters have fun backstories that connect them to the setting.
35.I overcome in-game obstacles by developing a well equipped and prepared character.
36.I try to never break character during a playing session.
37.Character improvement is as important as adventuring.
38.My characters are uniquely designed to effectively overcome the in-game obstacles.
39.I'm happy to play a non-combat, support character if that's all that's left.
40.I play my favorite character concept even when it means I'll be less effective.
41.My satisfaction comes from the larger story, not my character’s personal story.
42.I rush into combat even if it means a delay or set-back in character advancement.

If you're interested, you can see how the questionaire is graded. This quiz was last updated 2019 January 21.